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Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial trigger points are small contraction knots that develop in muscles when they are injured or overstrained.

Trigger point therapy is performed when muscles are tight or weak, for example, in cases of upper crossed syndrome, where the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle are tense, the pectoralis major and minor muscles are shortened, and the middle and lower fibers of the trapezius muscle are weak. Triggers can be found in both tense and weak muscles.

Trigerpunktu terapija

How is trigger point therapy performed?

Trigger point therapy is carried out alongside classical therapeutic massage. The procedure starts with warming up the body and performing a classical therapeutic massage, followed by trigger point therapy. The session concludes with gentle, continuous vibrations and stroking movements.

Trigger point therapy is recommended for athletes, individuals with myofascial pain, and those with tight or weak muscles.

Effects of trigger point therapy:

Tight muscles relax, and weak muscles begin to perform their functions. The body's musculature reaches a balanced state.


Sergejs Sosnovskis

Sergejs Sosnovskis

Certified Massage Therapist


Prices for “4. Dimensija” services

Beauty Institute "Liora"